SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE: Israeli Prog Collective Signs With Sensory Records; New Album Impending + Teaser Posted

photo by Yalon Schori
New Jersey-based progressive metal source Sensory Records has signed Israel’s long-running troupe SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE. The band has recently completed their fourth LP, Mountain Fever, which is being prepared for release in the months ahead.
SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE, which until recently was considered a cult studio project for fine taste followers, has transformed over the last two years into an exciting, colorful live act, mixing the traditions of heavy metal together with the aesthetics of world music performance, spiritual punk and pure rock ‘n’ roll. Praised by music journalists all over Europe and beyond, the band has taken over the stages, showcasing a distinctly audacious execution of their complex songwriting while maintaining an almost magical grip on their audience, reviewed as rave parties for metalheads.
Led by guitarist Tomer Pink, SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE was previously fronted by Green Carnation vocalist Kjetle Nordhus and Novembers Doom’s Paul Khur. The band officially announces its new lineup – a fully Israeli collective of musicians handpicked from the top of Israel’s prog scene – under which the band has been touring with and recording since 2018. Now, the band is heading towards new ground; the spearheads of Israeli progressive oriental metal are back with their most diverse album yet.
With their fourth LP, and sixth overall release, Mountain Fever was recorded between Golan Heights to Fascination Street Studio (engineered by David Castillo) and mixed by Jens Bogren (Leprous, Katatonia, Opeth). Here, SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE continues pushing the balance between pioneering experimentalism to their own take on modern pop culture and its manifestation in the Middle East. Revealing an album comprised of African and Balkan brass sections, Arabic violins, extended vocal techniques, and several special guest appearances, the band explores radio friendly hooks that emerge out of heavy riffs and polychromatic arrangements.
See a brief teaser for SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE’s Mountain Fever RIGHT HERE.
Watch for an official release date for Mountain Fever to be announced alongside full audio samples and much more over the coming months.
Davidavi (Vidi) Dolev – vocals
Tomer Pink – guitars
Shai Yallin – keys
Golan Farhi – bass
Or Shalev – guitars
Omer Fishbein – guitars
Jonathan Amar – drums
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