Experimental Post-Punk CROWJANE Releases “The Pharmacy – Remix,” Playing LA Album Release Show 6/23

Mater Dolorosa is a heady and heavy release that’s allowed CrowJane the freedom to express every ounce of emotion from track to track” – Ghettoblaster Magazine 

“In a year where we have had so much bad shit going on, it is great for an artist to come out of left field and hit so hard… A powerful debut album” – Infrared Magazine 

“Darkly surreal” – ReGen Magazine 

“Like nothing you’ve ever listened to before” – Rock N Blues Magazine 

“CrowJane conjures eerie soundscapes and instrumentals swirling with brimming intensity and marries them with an equally enticing visual narrative” – Under The Radar

Releases Brand New Remix For “The Pharmacy”

Playing Los Angeles June 23 at Zebulon 

Debut Album Mater Dolorosa Out Now

photo credit: Jessica Moncrief
JUNE 17, 2022 (LOS ANGELES, CA) – Today, experimental post-punk artist CROWJANE has roared back to life with a brand new remix of her single “The Pharmacy” which was  produced by Daniel Munoz and is out today via Kitten Robot Records. In addition, CrowJane (real name: Heather Galipo) will be playing a long-awaited release show for her debut album Mater Dolorosa at Los Angeles’ Zebulon (2478 Fletcher Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90039) on June 23. Tickets for the event can be found here.

While stuck in quarantine, Galipo decided to play around with the songs from her debut, remixing and reimagining the songs in new contexts. “Daniel Munoz and I started pulling apart these tracks, adding a different flair and personal touches,” she explains. “We remixed ‘The Pharmacy’ to give it new life and to create something we think will be great at a live show.”

CrowJane “The Pharmacy – Remix”
Link/Embed: https://youtu.be/LRDAkdsamtU
Mixing contemporary production with a real DIY aesthetic on her experimental and rhythmically expansive album Mater Dolorosa, CrowJane and Roessler together explored sound textures and other effects to create the captivating soundscapes that envelop her uniquely haunting vocals. “Mater Dolorosa was an experimental adventure of messing with different sounds and homemade instruments,” she explains of the unconventional instrumentation that included tin cans, bed railings and even cat litter. “For example, I used foil and hit it with a pencil as a ‘snare’ sound on ‘Circular Valley,’ for instance. I’m happy with the way it turned out and I think it is a good first album and it won’t be the last.”

Coming from a visual art background of surrealism and horror, CrowJane has built a career as a professional effects makeup artist who has worked on  Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.3, American Horror Stories, Mulan, HBO’s Winning Time, The OrvilleFX’s DaveWe Need To Do SomethingCheaper By The Dozen, Dancing With The StarsThe Last Of Us: Part IIStar Wars: Fallen Order, and more alongside her music career. This unlikely background helped foster an outsider musical sensibility that is perfectly balanced by an encyclopedic knowledge of the byways and back roads of punk and death rock, both historic and in LA’s contemporary underground music scene, of which her bands have been an integral component for the past 10 years.

The Pharmacy – Remix” by CrowJane is out now. CrowJane will be performing at Zebulon in Los Angeles on June 23. CrowJane is available for interviews.

CrowJane – Mater Dolorosa
(hi-res album art)

1. Estrella
2. Terminal Secrets
3. Delusion
4. Killer Of Peace
5. Ergot Journey
6. Willow
7. The Pharmacy
8. It’s A Man’s World
9. Circular Valley
10. A Salty Breeze
