Animals As Leaders To Feature In Bill & Ted 3; Sign New Deal With Sumerian Records

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020
Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 , Los Angeles – Animals As Leaders have today announced that they have signed a new deal with their long-time label home, globally renowned independent label, Sumerian Records. The band have also revealed that they are currently in the studio working on new material for their fifth studio album which will be the first release under the new deal. Having originally signed the band in 2014, founder and CEO of Sumerian Records, Ash Avildsen says
“I have known Tosin and Javier longer than anyone else in the music business. We came up together as kids in DC figuring it out with the most DIY, take no prisoners approach we could. They have both played big parts in my life and career. I can honestly say my path could have ended up very differently had I not become so close with them when we were rookies. I am honored to continue our relationship on an artist/label level and couldn’t be more proud to have Animals As Leaders on the Sumerian roster. They are one of the most influential groups of our generation in this world of music. As for Matt G, he is a true G. As for his alter ego Dirty D, I am not at liberty to comment.”
Animals As Leaders guitarist, Javier Reyes adds
“We are happy to announce that Animals As Leaders has re-signed to Sumerian Records. We have known the folks at Sumerian for years on both a personal and professional level and it honestly feels great to continue our journey together. Sumerian has been an integral part in the growth of Animals As Leaders, even before we ever signed to Sumerian. We look forward to working together with Sumerian for the next few years to continue growing our brands and legacies.”
Tosin Abasi adds
“I’ve seen the birth and ascension of Sumerian Records to one of the most important labels in modern metal and beyond. Animals as Leaders is stoked to be continuing our journey with them.”
In other, most non-heinous news, it was recently announced that Tosin Abasi and Javier Reyes are both featured artists on the soundtrack for one of the summer’s most hotly anticipated movie releases, Bill & Ted Face The Music. Joining forces with Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah, they form the musical basis of the movie’s fictional band, Wyld Stallyns, performing the song – Face The Music – taken from the Bill & Ted Face The Music Official Soundtrack, releasing this Friday, August 28th, through Los Angeles-based independent label, 10K Projects.
Animals As Leaders are also excited to announce today that Tosin Abasi also features throughout the movie as the official “air shredder”, providing all the guitar licks that are played during the iconic air guitar moments shared frequently between the two protagonists. Passing the Bill & Ted “Air Shredder” mantle to Tosin is none other than guitar legend, Steve Vai, who worked on the previous movie, Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey.
Speaking on the decision to bestow the honor of “Air Shredder” upon Tosin, Jonathan Leahy, Music Supervisor for Bill & Ted Face The Music says
“Getting the right guitarist to handle Bill & Ted’s air shredding was one of my top priorities from the very beginning. The director asked me “what does shredding sound like in 2020?” and my answer was “it sounds like Tosin Abasi.” Tosin’s virtuosity is mind-blowing and he leads the vanguard of modern players who push the limits of what’s capable on electric guitar. Everything about his approach, from the compositions to the techniques to the physical instrument itself, seems like it arrived via time machine from the future.”
Bill & Ted Face The Music director, Dean Parisot says
“When Jonathan Leahy suggested Tosin Abasi for Bill and Ted, I have to admit my first response was “Are you kidding? Absolutely! But will he even do it?” Miraculously, he did, and as expected, he blew us all away! Absolutely brilliant virtuosity and musicianship, an artist of the highest caliber, and a very nice man. I still can’t believe he did it, so so grateful he did.”
Tosin Abasi adds
“I’m thrilled to be part of the Bill & Ted Universe. Most excellent!”
The third movie in the series, Bill & Ted Face The Music is directed by Academy Award winning filmmaker Dean Parisot and written by Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon, the duo behind the Bill & Ted franchise. The film stars Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter as the title characters. Bill & Ted Face The Music is out on Friday, August 28th, 2020. Watch the trailer below.
BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC Official Trailer #2 (2020)
For the last decade, Animals As Leaders have risen to become celebrated heroes of their respective instruments. Tosin Abasi [guitar], Javier Reyes [guitar], and Matt Garstka [drums] have spent the last decade reimagining and reinventing instrumental prog, experimental metal, modern jazz and alternative creating complex, heavy and emotive musical landscapes to mass acclaim from fans and critics. Along the way, the trio has earned acclaim from the likes of Consequence of Sound, Revolver, Ultimate Guitar, and Rolling Stone. Consistently delivering a captivating show, they have toured alongside Deftones, Between The Buried And Me and Periphery.
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