REALIZE Shares “Slag Pile” Video; New Full-Length Machine Violence Coming September 25th Via Relapse Records

[Photo by Kiley Kennedy]
Arizona’s REALIZE channels Godflesh, Nailbomb, and Meathook Seed with their sophomore full-length, Machine Violence, assembling an abrasive and hyper-aggressive take on industrial metal. In advance of the record’s September 25th release via Relapse, today the band unveils a video accompaniment to the track “Slag Pile.”
View REALIZE’s “Slag Pile” video at THIS LOCATION.
REALIZE - Slag Pile (Official Music Video)
Find the band’s previously released video for “Disappear” HERE.
Machine Violence will be released on CD, LP, and digital formats. Physical preorders are available HERE and digital downloads/streaming services HERE.
REALIZE, featuring Kyle Kennedy (Sex Prisoner), Matt Underwood (Sex Prisoner), and Matt Mutterperl (North, Languish), amalgamate crushing metal riffs with driving, yet often unorthodox industrial rhythms and dissonant noise.
The pace of Machine Violence is unrelenting throughout. REALIZE tackles stark themes such as isolation, altered reality, simulations, and anxiety, taking inspiration from science fiction writers such as Phillip K. Dick and Frederik Pohl. Redefining “heavy,” tracks such as “Disappear” and “Slag Pile” see the band unleashing menacing riffs against in-your-face, confrontational vocals, while “Alone Against Flames” and “Melted Base” thrash the listener straight away with faster tempos and a hardcore swagger.
Adhering to an oldschool approach to writing and recording, REALIZE and Machine Violence reflect on the advancing convergence of organic life and machines. No amps or drums were used in the recording process; vocals, guitars, and bass all used computerized amps and effect modulations, and drums were programmed on an Alesis machine. With Machine Violence, REALIZE leaps forward and showcases industrial metal at its most ferocious and uncompromising!
For REALIZE coverage in North America contact, in the UK contact, in the rest of Europe contact, and elsewhere contact