Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have signed North Carolina’s three piece Grindcore terror squad Crypt Walk. The new EP “Rot Gut Prophecies” is up now for pre-order and will be released September 25th on CD and Digital formats. Below is the official description:
Horror Pain Gore Death Productions welcomes Crypt Walk to the roster with the new EP “Rot Gut Prophecies”! Hailing from the backwoods of North Carolina, Crypt Walk are a three piece Grindcore terror squad that is full of hatred towards a fucked society. “Rot Gut Prophecies” combines breakneck tempo changes with concussive pummeling blast beats and bowel stomping breakdowns to create a truly barbaric sound. Crypt Walk summon the pained wailing of enraged neanderthals deep in an amphetamine induced psychosis. For fans of Pig Destroyer, Discordance Axis, Nails, Full Of Hell, Assuck, Insect Warfare, Nasum and Wormrot
1. Breeding Filth
2. Head Cleaner
3. Wide Spread Neurosis
4. Company Man
5. Booze Mask
6. Every Day I Get Worse
7. Trash People
8. Hag Magnet
9. Pig Sticker